Completions Summary by Degree Type
Associate's Degrees:
Bachelor's Degrees:
Master's Degrees:
Doctoral Degrees:
Program | Award Level | Total Completions |
Human Biology | Bachelor's Degree | 84 |
Housing and Human Environments, General | Bachelor's Degree | 71 |
Housing and Human Environments, General | Master's Degree | 0 |
Hotel/Motel Administration/Management | Associate's Degree | 2 |
Hotel/Motel Administration/Management | Bachelor's Degree | 37 |
Hotel/Motel Administration/Management | Certificate | 2 |
Hotel/Motel Administration/Management | Certificate | 0 |
Hotel, Motel, and Restaurant Management | Associate's Degree | 6 |
Hospitality Administration/Management, Other | Other Award | 1 |
Hospitality Administration/Management, General | Associate's Degree | 3 |
Hospitality Administration/Management, General | Bachelor's Degree | 84 |
Hospitality Administration/Management, General | Certificate | 38 |
Hospitality Administration/Management, General | Certificate | 1 |
Hospitality Administration/Management, General | Master's Degree | 8 |
Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management | Associate's Degree | 2 |
Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management | Bachelor's Degree | 8 |
Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management | Certificate | 0 |
Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management | Certificate | 0 |
Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management | Doctoral Degree | 0 |
Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management | Master's Degree | 85 |
Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management | Other Award | 5 |
Horticultural Science | Bachelor's Degree | 51 |
Horticultural Science | Certificate | 1 |
Horticultural Science | Doctoral Degree | 2 |
Horticultural Science | Master's Degree | 6 |
Horticultural Science | Other Award | 3 |
Horse Husbandry/Equine Science and Management | Associate's Degree | 9 |
Horse Husbandry/Equine Science and Management | Bachelor's Degree | 6 |
Horse Husbandry/Equine Science and Management | Certificate | 15 |
Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services, Other | Associate's Degree | 1 |
Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services, Other | Certificate | 0 |
Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services, Other | Certificate | 3 |
Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services, Other | Master's Degree | 63 |
Homeland Security | Associate's Degree | 0 |
Homeland Security | Bachelor's Degree | 12 |
Homeland Security | Certificate | 1 |
Homeland Security | Master's Degree | 9 |
Homeland Security | Other Award | 9 |
Home Health Aide/Home Attendant | Other Award | 175 |
History, Other | Bachelor's Degree | 10 |
History, Other | Certificate | 0 |
History, General | Associate's Degree | 2 |
History, General | Bachelor's Degree | 476 |
History, General | Certificate | 13 |
History, General | Certificate | 0 |
History, General | Doctoral Degree | 16 |
History, General | Master's Degree | 136 |
History, General | Other Award | 8 |
History and Political Science | Bachelor's Degree | 1 |
History Teacher Education | Bachelor's Degree | 34 |