Degrees and Programs

Completions Summary by Degree Type

Certificates: 53264
Associate's Degrees: 47016
Bachelor's Degrees: 105344
Master's Degrees: 58402
Doctoral Degrees: 14924
Program Institution Award Level Completions
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Lindenwood University Bachelor's Degree 7
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Lindenwood University Master's Degree 0
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Maryville University of Saint Louis Bachelor's Degree 3
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Missouri Baptist University Bachelor's Degree 4
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Missouri Valley College Associate's Degree 1
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Missouri Western State University Bachelor's Degree 14
Early Childhood Education and Teaching University of Missouri-Columbia Bachelor's Degree 26
Early Childhood Education and Teaching University of Missouri-Kansas City Bachelor's Degree 9
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Missouri University of Science and Technology Certificate 0
Early Childhood Education and Teaching University of Missouri-St Louis Bachelor's Degree 5
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Northwest Missouri State University Bachelor's Degree 42
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Northwest Missouri State University Master's Degree 25
Early Childhood Education and Teaching College of the Ozarks Bachelor's Degree 10
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Park University Bachelor's Degree 11
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Southeast Missouri State University Bachelor's Degree 41
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Missouri State University-Springfield Bachelor's Degree 46
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Webster University Master's Degree 0
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Westminster College Bachelor's Degree 1
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Central Methodist University-College of Graduate and Extended Studies Bachelor's Degree 37
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Ottawa University-Online Bachelor's Degree 1
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Rasmussen University-Kansas Certificate 3
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Rasmussen University-Kansas Associate's Degree 1
Early Childhood Education and Teaching Rasmussen University-Kansas Certificate 7
E-Commerce/Electronic Commerce Wichita State University-Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology Certificate 4
E-Commerce/Electronic Commerce Wichita State University-Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology Associate's Degree 6
E-Commerce/Electronic Commerce University of Missouri-Columbia Other Award 7
E-Commerce/Electronic Commerce University of Missouri-Columbia Certificate 31
Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other Benedictine College Bachelor's Degree 0
Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other Southwestern College Bachelor's Degree 1
Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other Wichita State University Other Award 1
Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other Lindenwood University Bachelor's Degree 4
Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other Missouri Southern State University Certificate 3
Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other Stephens College Bachelor's Degree 0
Dramatic/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft, Other Webster University Bachelor's Degree 10
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General Baker University Bachelor's Degree 0
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General Barton County Community College Associate's Degree 1
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General Benedictine College Bachelor's Degree 3
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General Bethany College Bachelor's Degree 2
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General Central Christian College of Kansas Bachelor's Degree 0
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General Emporia State University Bachelor's Degree 10
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General Friends University Bachelor's Degree 2
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General Haskell Indian Nations University Associate's Degree 0
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General Independence Community College Associate's Degree 2
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General University of Kansas Bachelor's Degree 18
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General University of Kansas Master's Degree 3
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General University of Kansas Doctoral Degree 0
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General Newman University Bachelor's Degree 1
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General Kansas State University Bachelor's Degree 4
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General Kansas State University Master's Degree 7
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General Kansas Wesleyan University Bachelor's Degree 0